Program addons
This category has 82 addons in it.

Advanced MAME Launcher
Kodi meets MAME!

Apple TV Screensavers in Kodi

Are Ace
scrapes live sport event links from Telegram and seamlessly opens them in the Acestream player

Artist Slideshow
Download images and additional info of the currently playing artist

Audio Offset Manager
Dynamically manages audio offsets

Audio Profiles
Save audio profile and easily switch between them.

AutoCompletion for virtual keyboard
AutoCompletion for the virtual keyboard (needs skin support)

Backup and restore your Kodi database and configuration files in the event of a crash...

Video addon for BGTime.TV -


Bluetooth Delay lite
Toggle audio delay

Caber Toss
Provides an easy way to save Kodi log files, at a particular moment, to a...

Map multiple Kodi commands to one remote button. All availabe commands:

Browse and play video, music and photo media files managed by Plex Media Server.
Fork of...

Copacetic Helper
Extend the power of Copacetic

CPU Benchmark
Test your devices python performance.

Cron For Kodi
A customizable Cron timer for Kodi.

Domoticz Scenes
Control Domoticz from Kodi

Embuary Helper
Embuary Helper Script

Embuary Info
Embuary Info Script

ExtendedInfo Script
ExtendedInfo Script

External Kodi Videolibrary Client
Kodi External Video Library

Global Search
Search your library.

Harmony Hub Controller
Addon to send activity and remote commands via a Harmony Hub.

Home Assistant
Home Assistant Kodi Addon

Hue Service
Automate Hue lights with Kodi playback

InputStream Helper
Kodi InputStream and DRM playback made easy

IPTV Manager
Integrate IPTV channels from other add-ons in the Kodi TV and Radio menus

Regularly deletes old movies, TV show episodes and music videos

Keymap Editor
An editor for keymap files

Kodi Android Installer
Download and Install Kodi packages.

Kodi Audio Mixer
Kodi Audio Mixer

Kodi Logfile Uploader
Uploads your kodi.log file.

Kodi Windows Installer
Download and Install Kodi packages.

Language Preference Manager
Language Preference Manager


Library Auto Update
Update your Kodi Video and Music Libraries on a timer. Timer runs as an Kodi...

Library Node Editor
Manage custom library nodes.

Library Watchdog
Instant library update on file system changes

litebox Script
colour matching tools

LiveTV Ad-Zapper
Rezap to current channel after some time (advertisment)

Log Viewer for Kodi
View Kodi logfile directly on Kodi

MCE Remote configuration

Metadata Editor
Metadata Editor Script

Mother Earth Radio
Mother Earth Radio - 192kHz/24bit streaming

Movies On The Run
Movies On The Run (MOTR) client for Kodi

Next Episode (
A service for Next Episode ( website.

NFL Game Pass
NFL Game Pass

Partymode autostart
PartyMode Autostart

Plex for Kodi

PM4K for Plex
PlexMod for Kodi

Radio Paradise
Radio Paradise music and slideshows


Reset Watchedstate
Resets the watched-state and the lastplayed-date

RSS Editor
A Script for editing Kodi's built in RSS Ticker

Screen lock and energy control
Prevent puttting display to sleep in window mode and prevent lock screen in MS Windows

Visualizations from Shadertoy

Skin Info Service
Script used by skins to show extended media info.

Skin Variables
Skin Variables helps skinners to construct variables and expressions for multiple containers and listitems using...

Skip It

Smartplaylist Generator
Generate Smartplaylists from third-party lists.

Speed Tester
Test your Internet bandwidth

SpeedFan Information Display
Display information from your SpeedFan log.

Edit and synchronize subtitles with your remote


TMDb Helper
TMDb Helper

ToolBox Script
ToolBox Script

TV and movie scrobbler for

Transmission Control Panel
A client for the popular Transmission BitTorrent application

Cast videos from the Youtube application to Kodi

Watch your favorite YouTube content on Kodi

TV Maze Integration
Integration between Kodi and TV Maze.

TVmaze Scrobbler/Tracker
TVmaze Tracker/Scrobbler for Kodi Mediacenter

Up Next
Propose to play the next episode automatically


Save watched state of movies and TV-series episodes independent from filenames

Web-based remote Python debugger


Where Are You
Plugin module to display a custom dialog box when playing external media.

Access Wikipedia via Kodi

Plugin for YouTube

youtube-dl Control
Module providing access to youtube-dl video stream extraction