![Kodi motherboard wallpaper Kodi motherboard wallpaper](/images/blog/kodi_motherboard.webp)
We do not sell hardware
Cris Silva (h.udo)
Don't be fooled by the cool wallpaper above - we do not sell hardware.
We do not sell computers, Kodi boxes, Kodi sticks, carrot sticks or french fries. Actually, we don't recommend specific hardware, and we're certainly not interested in selling hardware. That's the manufacturer's job.
The only thing we're interested in is writing software, keeping Kodi in tip-top shape, and advising you about how to better use Kodi. We are not associated with any hardware companies, particular brand or site selling the so-called "Kodi boxes" or "Kodi sticks". There is no such thing.
So, for the last time, we do not sell hardware.
However, we and our community will assist you with purchasing hardware by providing unbiased information where we look out for your best interest and what works best with Kodi. Head over to our hardware community forums, read a bit, tell us about your use case, and you'll get relevant information.